
Our Vision Statement for Teaching & Learning:

Created by the staff in September 2017

As teachers, we acknowledge ourselves as being role models of learning. We do this through:

  • Staying passionate about our subject
  • Being committed to our on-going developmental journey, both in knowledge and pedagogy
  • Looking beyond our immediate context to stay abreast of educational reform
  • Creating an environment of mutual challenge and tenacity
  • Having the highest expectations of ourselves and our students
  • Planning thoughtfully, mindful of all learners’ needs
  • Marking students’ work deeply and in a timely fashion
  • Checking students’ organisation regularly and supporting them when necessary
  • Embracing diversity, both in culture, ability and learning style
  • Celebrating the successes of our students’ progress
  • Providing extended opportunities for students to learn
  • Remaining evaluative and critical of our own practice

We understand the importance of the relationship we forge with our students; the need to be patient, enthusiastic and encouraging. We understand that students’ wider experience affects their readiness to learn and that it is our responsibility to address and minimise their disadvantage. We provide the foundation of students’ learning and endeavour to foster the skills of self-analysis, self-management and resilience so that they become efficient and confident life-long learners.

Our ambition is to impart a love of learning, ignite students’ curiosity and provide aspirational pathways to their future.