Making Payments

We are a cashless school and no longer accept payments within school by cash or cheque.

ParentPay is a secure online income collection and management service which allows you to make payments to school using your debit/credit cards.

All payments for school dinners, trips, instrumental lessons etc should be made online via ParentPay.

This can be used to pay for:

  • School meals
  • Trips
  • Music lessons
  • Parent Voluntary Contributions

How Does ParentPay Work?

  • You have a secure online account accessible 24/7
  • We post items for payment to your account
  • You then choose how to pay
  • ParentPay keeps a record of all payments you make
  • You have greater control of your account using automated email/SMS alerts

How to Pay Online

See the guidance form ParentPay on how to top up your account and then make a payment

I want to pay my Voluntary Contributions

The Voluntary contributions can be paid via ParentPay. If you pay UK income tax and /or capital gains tax the school can claim back 25p in every £1 you donate under the Gift Aid Scheme by ParentPay.

If you have any problems with ParentPay, please email